EEPROM Write Example for Intel® Galileo Board


Install & Setup



This example uses a potentiometer to input a value which is stored in EEPROM and can be read with a different sketch. We are using the code provided under the examples for Arduino* IDE 1.5.3.


  • Intel® Galileo board
  • Breadboard
  • One potentiometer
  • Wires


  1. Place the potentiometer on the breadboard, and make the following connections:

    Intel® Galileo Board Breadboard Potentiometer
    GND Negative strip  
    5 V Positive strip  
      Ground strip Pin 1
      Positive strip Pin 3
    A0   Pin 2

  2. Connect the power supply and the USB to USB Client Port on the Intel Galileo board.
  3. Open Arduino IDE. Click Tools > Board and select Intel Galileo.
  4. Click Tools > Serial Port and select the Com # that the Intel Galileo board is connected to.
  5. Click File > Examples > EEPROM and select eeprom_write.
  6. Click the upload icon.


EEPROM Write Example


Note This image was created using Fritzing*.