HDMI Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FGPA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683309
Date 1/26/2024

1.1. Directory Structure

The directories contain the generated files for the HDMI Intel® FPGA IP design example.
Figure 2. Directory Structure for the Design Example
Table 1.  Generated RTL Files
Folders Files
gxb /gxb_rx.ip
hdmi_rx /hdmi_rx.ip
hdmi_tx /hdmi_tx.ip
i2c_slave /i2c_avl_mst_intf_gen.v
pll /pll_hdmi.ip
common /clock_control.ip
hdr /altera_hdmi_aux_hdr.v
reconfig_mgmt /mr_compare_pll.v
sdc /c10_hdmi2.sdc
Table 2.   Generated Simulation Files
Folders Files
aldec /aldec.do
cadence /cds.lib
<cds_libs folder>
mentor /mentor.do
synopsys /vcs/filelist.f
xcelium /cds.lib
<cds_libs folder>
common /modelsim_files.tcl
hdmi_rx /hdmi_rx.ip
hdmi_tx /hdmi_tx.ip
Table 3.  Generated Software Files
Folders Files
tx_control_src /intel_fpga_i2c.c
Note: The tx_control and tx_control_bsp folders contain auto-generated files. The tx_control folder will also contain duplicates of the tx_control_src files.