Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Architecture

ID 683105
Date 10/31/2022
Document Table of Contents

1.11.4. Hot Socketing

The Intel® MAX® 10 device offers hot socketing, which is also known as hot plug-in or hot swap, and power sequencing support without the use of any external devices. You can insert or remove the Intel® MAX® 10 device on a board in a system during system operation. This does not affect the running system bus or the board that is inserted into the system.

The hot-socketing feature removes some encountered difficulties when using the Intel® MAX® 10 device on a PCB that contains a mixture of devices with different voltage levels.

With the Intel® MAX® 10 device hot-socketing feature, you no longer need to ensure a proper power-up sequence for each device on the board. Intel® MAX® 10 device hot-socketing feature provides:
  • Board or device insertion and removal without external components or board manipulation
  • Support for any power-up sequence
  • Non-intrusive I/O buffers to system buses during hot insertion