Arria 10 SoC Virtual Platform User Guide

ID 683326
Date 9/16/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.7. Network Connectivity

The Ethernet interface of the virtual platform can be configured to connect to the internet.

Network connectivity is configured in the parameters_Arria10.txt file. The default configuration found in the file is:

##            VLAN             ###
vlan:macstart = 52:54:00:12:34:90
vlan:net =
vlan:host =
vlan:hostname = host
vlan:dns =
vlan:dhcpstart =
vlan:tcp_napt = :3624 => :8080 ; :5684 => :23 ;:5247 => :69; :9547 => :22 ; :8524 => :21 ; :6527 => :53
pmr_reset_value = 0xFF 

Arria10_top.EMAC0.eth_name = eth1
Arria10_top.EMAC0.eth_mac = 52:54:00:12:34:57

The parameters within the "VLAN" section of the file to be aware of are:

  • vlan:dns - This parameter defines the Domain Name Server that is used by the target to resolve IP addresses. The target file, /etc/resolv.conf, must be updated to direct it to use this DNS.
  • vlan:dhcpstart - This parameter is the starting address provided by DHCP server. It is the target that the operating system IP addresses.
  • vlan:tcp_napt - This parameter maps the ports on the target to the ports on the host. This mapping is required so that applications on the host can connect to applications on the target. Applications on the target can connect to the outside world (including the host) with the actual IP addresses and ports.
  • Arria10_top.EMAC0.eth_mac – This parameter defines the MAC address of the target network adapter.

The following sections describe how to use the networking feature of the virtual platform.