Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 8/26/2022

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3.6.1. Parameters

The Avalon® Memory-Mapped Partial Reconfiguration Freeze Bridge IP core supports customization of the following parameters.
Table 49.  Parameters
Parameter Values Description
PR region interface Type Avalon-MM Slave/Avalon-MM Master Specifies the interface type for interfacing the PR region with the Freeze Bridge.
Enable Freeze port from PR region On/Off Enables the freeze port that freezes all the outputs of each PR region to a known constant value. Freezing prevents the signal receivers in the static region from receiving undefined signals during the partial reconfiguration process. The freeze of a bridge is the logical OR of this signal from the PR region, and the freeze from the PR region controller.
Enable the bridge to track unfinished transaction On/Off Enables the bridge to track unfinished transactions before freezing the Avalon® interface. Turn on this option when there is no custom logic to stop the Avalon® transaction between the PR region and the static region. If you do not need this feature, disable this option to reduce the size of the IP.
Enabled Avalon® Interface Signal Yes/No Enable (Yes) or disable (No) specific optional Freeze Bridge interface ports.
Address width <1-64> Address width in bits.
Symbol width <number> Data symbol width in bits. The symbol width should be 8 for byte-oriented interfaces.
Number of symbols <number> Number of symbols per word.
Burstcount width <number> The width of the burst count in bits.
Linewrap burst On/Off When On, the address for bursts wraps instead of incrementing. With a wrapping burst, when the address reaches a burst boundary, the address wraps back to the previous burst boundary. Consequently, the IP uses only the low order bits for addressing.
Constant burst behavior On/Off When On, memory bursts are constant.
Burst on burst boundaries only On/Off When On, memory bursts are aligned to the address size.
Maximum pending reads <number> The maximum number of pending reads that the slave can queue.
Maximum pending writes <number> The maximum number of pending writes that the slave can queue.
Fixed read latency (cycles) <number> Sets the read latency for fixed-latency slaves. Not useful on interfaces that include the readdatavalid signal.
Fixed read wait time (cycles) <number> For master interfaces that do not use the waitrequest signal. The read wait time indicates the number of cycles before the master responds to a read. The timing is as if the master asserted waitrequest for this number of cycles.
Fixed write wait time (cycles) <number> For master interfaces that do not use the waitrequest signal. The write wait time indicates the number of cycles before the master accepts a write.
Address type WORDS/SYMBOLS Sets slave interface address type to symbols or words.
Figure 73. Parameter Editor