Security Overview for SDM-Based FPGA Devices

ID 794424
Date 2/29/2024

2.1. Hardware Root of Trust

The foundational element of the security architecture of Altera® FPGA devices is a hardware root of trust called the Secure Device Manager (SDM). The Secure Device Manager (SDM) is a self-contained system-on-chip that securely manages the boot and configuration process, provides secure key storage, enforces security policies, and provides security services during runtime. The SDM executes firmware that is developed and signed by Altera® . The SDM firmware is integrated into configuration bitstreams by the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.

The SDM hardware and the capabilities it provides are different between Altera® FPGAs. Similarly, SDM firmware may be updated between different versions of Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software to provide additional capabilities or provide important security updates.