Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™: Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit Reference Platform Porting Guide

ID 683809
Date 3/28/2022
Document Table of Contents

3.4. Setting up the Intel® Stratix® 10 Custom Platform Software Development Environment

Prior to building the software layer for your Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Custom Platform, set up the software development environment.
  • To compile the MMD layer for Windows, perform the following tasks:
    1. Install the GNU make utility on your development machine.
    2. Install a version of Microsoft Visual Studio that has the ability to compile 64-bit software (for example, Microsoft Visual Studio version 2010 Professional).
    3. Set the environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio.
    4. Set the development environment so that SDK users can invoke commands and utilities at the command prompt.
    5. Modify the <your_custom_platform_name>/source/Makefile.common file so that TOP_DEST_DIR points to the top-level directory of your Custom Platform.
    6. To check that you have set up the software development environment properly, invoke the make or make clean command.
  • To compile the MMD layer for Linux, perform the following tasks:
    1. Ensure that you use a Linux distribution that Intel® supports (for example, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) version 4.47).
    2. Modify the <your_custom_platform>/source/Makefile.common file so that TOP_DEST_DIR points to the top-level directory of your Custom Platform.
  • To check that you have set up the software environment properly, invoke the make or make clean command.