Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents AXI Timeout Bridge Stages

A timeout occurs when the internal timer in the bridge exceeds the specified number of cycles within which a burst must complete from start to end.

Figure 122. AXI Timeout Bridge Stages
  • When a timeout occurs, the AXI Timeout Bridge asserts an interrupt and reports the burst that caused the timeout to the Configuration and Status Register (CSR).
  • The bridge then generates error responses back to the master on behalf of the unresponsive slave. This stage frees the master and certifies the unresponsive slave as dysfunctional.
  • The AXI Timeout Bridge accepts subsequent write addresses, write data, and read addresses to the dysfunctional slave. The bridge does not accept outstanding write responses, and read data from the dysfunctional slave is not passed through to the master.
  • The awvalid, wvalid, bready, arvalid, and rready ports are held low at the master interface of the bridge.
Note: After a timeout, awvalid, wvalid, and arvalid may be dropped before they are accepted by awready at the master interface. While the behavior violates the AXI specification, it occurs only on an interface connected to the slave which has been certified dysfunctional by the AXI Timeout Bridge.

Write channel refers to the AXI write address, data and response channels. Similarly, read channel refers to the AXI read address and data channels. AXI write and read channels are independent of each other. However, when a timeout occurs on either channel, the bridge generates error responses on both channels.

Table 89.   Burst Start and End Definitions for the AXI Timeout Bridge
Channel Start End
Write When an address is issued. First cycle of awvalid, even if data of the same burst is issued before the address (first cycle of wvalid). When the response is issued. First cycle of bvalid.
Read When an address is issued. First cycle of arvalid. When the last data is issued. First cycle of rvalid and rlast.

The AXI Timeout Bridge has four required interfaces: Master, Slave, Configuration and Status Register (CSR) ( AMBA* 3 AXI-Lite), and Interrupt. Platform Designer allows the AXI Timeout Bridge to connect to any AMBA* 3 AXI, AMBA* 3 AXI, or Avalon® master or slave interface. Avalon® masters must utilize the bridge’s interrupt output to detect a timeout.

The bridge slave interface accepts write addresses, write data, and read addresses, and then generates the SLVERR response at the write response and read data channels. Do not use buser, rdata and ruser at this stage of processing.

To resume normal operation, the dysfunctional slave must be reset and the bridge notified of the change in status via the CSR. Once the CSR notifies the bridge that the slave is ready, the bridge does not accept new commands until all outstanding bursts are responded to with an error response.

The CSR has a 4-bit address width and a 32-bit data width. The CSR reports status and address information when the bridge asserts an interrupt.

Table 90.  CSR Interrupt Status Information for the AXI Timeout Bridge
Address Attribute Name
0x0 write-only Slave is reset
0x4 read-only Timed out operation
0x8 through 0xF read-only Timed out address