Remote Update Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683695
Date 11/29/2023
Document Table of Contents

1.5.5. Parameters

Table 17.  Parameter Type and Corresponding Parameter Bit Width Mapping for Cyclone® IV and Intel® Cyclone® 10 LP Devices
Bit Parameter Width Comments
000 Master State Machine Current State Mode (Read Only) 2

00—Factory mode.

01—Application mode.

11—Application mode with the master state machine user watchdog timer enabled.

001 Force early CONF_DONE (cd_early) check 1
010 Watchdog Timeout Value 12 Width of 12 when writing.

The 12 bits for writing are the upper 12 bits (left-most or most-significant bits) of the 29-bit Watchdog Timeout Value.

When writing parameter data, data_in[11..0] corresponds to the upper 12 bits of the 29-bit Watchdog Timeout Value. For example, to set the Watchdog Timeout Value to 1, write the 12 bits of data_in[11..0] as 12'b000000000001.

29 Width of 29 when reading.
011 Watchdog Enable 1
100 Boot Address

For the Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 13.1 and later:

  • Width of 29 or 32 when reading the boot address.
  • Width of 24 or 32 when writing the boot address.
  • For active serial devices using the 24-bit addressing, such as EPCS128 or EPCQ128, boot_address[23..2] corresponds to the upper 22 bits of the 24-bits boot address. boot_address[1..0] is read as 2'b0.
  • For active serial devices using the 32-bit addressing, such as EPCQ256, boot_address[31..2] corresponds to the upper 30 bits of the 32-bits boot address. boot_address[1..0] is read as 2'b0.

For the Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 13.0 or earlier:

  • Width of 24 when reading the boot address.
  • Width of 22 when writing the boot address.
  • Writes the boot address to the upper 22 bits of the 24-bits boot address.
101 Illegal Value
110 Force the internal oscillator as startup state machine clock (osc_int) option bit 1
111 Reconfiguration trigger conditions (Read Only) 5

Bit 4 (nconfig_source)—external configuration reset (nconfig) assertion.

Bit 3 (crcerror_source)—CRC error during application configuration.

Bit 2 (nstatus_source)—nstatus asserted by an external device as the result of an error.

Bit 1 (wdtimer_source)—User watchdog timer timeout.

Bit 0 (runconfig_source)—Configuration reset triggered from logic array.