Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA 10M50 Evaluation Kit User Guide

ID 683447
Date 1/11/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.8.6. MIPI CSI-2 Receiver

The Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA 10M50 Evaluation Kit supports MIPI CSI-2 receiver D-PHY to both Leopard Imaging OV10640 and UDOO OV5640 modules. The OV10640 module includes one MIPI clock channel and four MIPI data channels, while the OV5640 module has one MIPI clock channel and two MIPI data channels.

To interface MIPI CSI-2 D-PHY compliant I/O, the Intel® MAX® 10 10M50 evaluation kit uses one 2.5V LVDS signal pair to support high-speed mode and one 1.2V HSTL signal pair to support low-power mode for each MIPI clock or data lane.

The implemented D-PHY resistor values need to be adjusted based on user design. Simulation and signal quality measurement is required for optimal resistor values. Consult Application Note AN-754 for technical details on implementing the D-PHY passive circuits.
Table 25.  MIPI CSI-2 Receiver (for OV10640 module ) Pin Assignments, Signal Names and Functions
Source Schematic Signal Name Device/Pin Number I/O Standard Description


(Cable needed to interface OV10640 module)

P/N: 52559-3652
J2.11 OV10640_CLK_HS_P Intel® MAX® 10/P11 2.5V LVDS Differential input clock (high speed, positive terminal)
J2.12 OV10640_CLK_HS_N Intel® MAX® 10/R11 2.5V LVDS Differential input clock (high speed, negative terminal)
J2.11 OV10640_CLK_LP_P Intel® MAX® 10/T21 1.2V HSTL Differential input clock (low power, positive terminal
J2.12 OV10640_CLK_LP_N Intel® MAX® 10/T22 1.2V HSTL Differential input clock (low power, negative terminal
J2.8 OV10640_DATA_HS_P1 Intel® MAX® 10/AA20 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane1 (high speed, positive terminal)
J2.9 OV10640_DATA_HS_N1 Intel® MAX® 10/AB21 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane1 (high speed,negative terminal)
J2.8 OV10640_DATA_LP_P1 Intel® MAX® 10/P21 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane1 (low power,positive terminal)
J2.9 OV10640_DATA_LP_N1 Intel® MAX® 10/N22 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane1 (low power, negative terminal)
J2.14 OV10640_DATA_HS_P2 Intel® MAX® 10/AB20 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane2 (high speed, positive terminal)
J2.15 OV10640_DATA_HS_N2 Intel® MAX® 10/AB19 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane2 (high speed, negative terminal
J2.14 OV10640_DATA_LP_P2 Intel® MAX® 10/V21 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane2 (low power,positive terminal)
J2.15 OV10640_DATA_LP_N2 Intel® MAX® 10/V22 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane2 (low power, negative terminal
J2.17 OV10640_DATA_HS_P3 Intel® MAX® 10/AB18 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane3 (high speed, positive terminal)
J2.18 OV10640_DATA_HS_N3 Intel® MAX® 10/AB17 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane3 (high speed, negative terminal)
J2.17 OV10640_DATA_LP_P3 Intel® MAX® 10/Y22 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane3 (low power, positive terminal)
J2.18 OV0640_DATA_LP_N3 Intel® MAX® 10/W22 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane3 (low power, negative terminal)
J2.20 OV10640_DATA_HS_P4 Intel® MAX® 10/AA16 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane4 (high speed, positive terminal)
J2.21 OV10640_DATA_HS_N4 Intel® MAX® 10/AB16 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane4 (high speed, negative terminal)
J2.20 OV10640_DATA_LP_P4 Intel® MAX® 10/AA21 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane4 (low power, positive terminal)
J2.21 OV10640_DATA_LP_N4 Intel® MAX® 10/AA22 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane4 (low power, negative terminal)
J2.23 OV10640_CMOS_RST Intel® MAX® 10/P4 1.8V LVCMOS Reset/Power down
J2.24 OV10640_CMOS_SDATA Intel® MAX® 10/N8 1.8V LVCMOS Control Bus Data
J2.25 OV10640_CMOS_SCLK Intel® MAX® 10/P5 1.8V LVCMOS Control Bus Clock
J2.26 OV10640_24MHz Intel® MAX® 10/N5 1.8V LVCMOS 24 MHz Reference Clock Output
J2.27 OV10640_GYRO_INT Intel® MAX® 10/N9 1.8V LVCMOS Gyroscope Programmable Interrupt
J2.28 OV10640_G_RDY Intel® MAX® 10/R4 1.8V LVCMOS Gyroscope Data Ready
J2.31 OV10640_XM_INT1 Intel® MAX® 10/R7 1.8V LVCMOS Accelerometer and magnetic sensor interrupt 1
J2.30 OV10640_XM_INT2 Intel® MAX® 10/R5 1.8V LVCMOS Accelerometer and magnetic sensor interrupt 2
J2.32 OV10640_FSIN Intel® MAX® 10/P8 1.8V LVCMOS Frame sync input
J2.4, J2.5 1.8V ---- 1.8V 1.8V
J2.1, J2.2, J2.3 3.3V ---- 3.3V 3.3V
J2.6, J2.7, J2.10, J2.13, J2.16, J2.19, J2.22, J2.29, J2.33, J2.34 GND ---- GND GND
Table 26.  MIPI CSI-2 Receiver (for OV5640 module) Pin Assignments, Signal Names and Functions
Source Schematic Signal Name Device/Pin Number I/O Standard Description


(Cable needed to interface OV5640 module)

Wurth Electronics 68711614522
J3.6 OV5640_CLK_HS_P Intel® MAX® 10/V10 2.5V LVDS Differential input clock (high speed, positive terminal)
J3.5 OV5640_CLK_HS_N Intel® MAX® 10/V9 2.5V LVDS Differential input clock (high speed, negative terminal)
J3.6 OV5640_CLK_LP_P Intel® MAX® 10/R15 1.2V HSTL Differential input clock (low power, positive terminal)
J3.5 OV5640_CLK_LP_N Intel® MAX® 10/R14 1.2V HSTL Differential input clock (high speed, positive terminal)
J3.9 OV5640_DATA_HS_P1 Intel® MAX® 10/AB13 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane1 (high speed,positive terminal)
J3.8 OV5640_DATA_HS_N1 Intel® MAX® 10/AB12 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane1 (high speed,negative terminal)
J3.9 OV5640_DATA_LP_P1 Intel® MAX® 10/W19 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane1 (low power,positive terminal)
J3.8 OV5640_DATA_LP_N1 Intel® MAX® 10/W20 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane1 (low power,negative terminal)
J3.2 OV5640_DATA_HS_P2 Intel® MAX® 10/AB11 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane2 (high speed,positive terminal)
J3.1 OV5640_DATA_HS_N2 Intel® MAX® 10/AB10 2.5V LVDS Differential input data Lane2 (high speed,negative terminal)
J3.2 OV5640_DATA_LP_P2 Intel® MAX® 10/P15 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane2 (low power,positive terminal)
J3.1 OV5640_DATA_LP_N2 Intel® MAX® 10/P14 1.2V HSTL Differential input data Lane2 (low power,negative terminal)
J3.13 OV5640_SDC Intel® MAX® 10/M3 3.3V LVCMOS Control Bus Clock
J3.14 OV5640_SDA Intel® MAX® 10/L1 3.3V LVCMOS Control Bus Data
J3.12 OV5640_CLK24MHz Clock Generator / U14.18 3.3V LVCMOS System Input Clock
J3.15 OV5640_CAM_RESETB Intel® MAX® 10/M4 3.3V LVCMOS Reset
J3.11 OV5640_PWRON Intel® MAX® 10/L2 3.3V LVCMOS Power Down
J3.16 3.3V ---- 3.3V 3.3V
J3.3, J3.4, J3.7, J3.10 GND ---- GND GND

To download MIPI reference designs for this Evaluation Kit, please contact your local Intel PSG (formerly Altera) sales team for assistance or check the FPGA Design Store.