Arria V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683011
Date 12/02/2022
Document Table of Contents On-Chip RAM Initialization

You must initialize the on-chip RAM before you enable the ECC. Failure to do so triggers spurious interrupts.

Follow these steps to enable ECC:
  1. Turn on the ECC hardware, but disable the interrupts.
  2. Initialize the SRAM in the NAND.
  3. Clear the ECC event bits, because these bits may have become asserted after Step 1.
  4. Enable the ECC interrupts now that the ECC bits have been set.
Initialize the on-chip RAM using the following steps:
  • Disable ECC interrupts
  • Enable ECC generation
  • Initialize memory by clearing the contents by writing 0x0 in the address space
  • Enable ECC interrupts